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About Us

Mental Wellness Through Community Connection

Mental Health Lou is a collaboration between mental health practitioners, non-profit groups, agencies and our community members to promote mental wellness resources in Louisville.


How it all began...

In 2018 at a small coffee shop in Louisville, Amanda Villaveces met with a local mental health non-profit to discuss celebrating mental health in Louisville. This collaboration quickly grew to include multiple providers, other non-profits, business and more. That year Mental Health Month in the Ville was born and over 25 events took place throughout the city to bring mental wellness tools and resources to our community. 


After that first year demand for more events, resources and information grew and Shannon joined the cause! As our team grew we started  promoting and highlighting more events and creating our Resource Guide as an all in one place for mental wellness resources.


Today we aim to promote mental wellness resources throughout the Louisville area, bring education and wellness workshops to the public and highlight wellness providers - all little to no cost. 

Meet The Team


Amanda Villaveces, LMFT

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Amanda (she/her)  is the founding Director of Mental Health Lou and a Licensed Marriage and Family Therapist in private practice. She loves to approach mental health in creative ways that improve accessiblity for everyone. She  regularly hosts workshops and helps with the development of  Mental Health Lou projects. 


You can contact her at:

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Emily Vicars

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Emily (she/her)  has been with Mental Health Lou from almost the very beginning and is a crucial part of the team. She helps individuals seeking referrals, manages our database and presents Talk Saves Lives presentations for all types of organizations! 


We are so thankful to have Emily on our team!


Contact Emily at:

Our Memberships

Mental Health Advocacy is an important part of our mission, which is why we actively join and connect with organizations throughout Kentucky that focus on mental health and wellbeing. We're proud to be a members and/or donors of the following organizations and encourage you to follow and support them as well! 


The Mental Health Lou Fund
Our 501(c)(3) non-profit

In 2022 we initiated a non-profit wing of Mental Health Lou to expand our outreach efforts. 



The Mental Health Lou Fund promotes mental wellness by increasing access to mental health services and decreasing stigma through education and programs while centering our work in historically underserved and disconnected communities throughout Louisville. 

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with Us

Mental Health Lou, Mental Health Lou & You can be found at:

317 Wallace Avenue, Suite 216

Louisville, KY 40207


Phone: 502-806-8816

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Advocate & Educate

Help us break the stigma and share mental health tools to create a healthier, happier society. 


Bring mental health to you with a speaker request. 


Contact us to host a mental health fair. 


Subscribe to our newsletter

Our Work

Mental Health Lou & You is a 501 (C) (3) public, non-profit which makes your donation tax deductible. 


Our funding supports other local non-profits through mental health trainings, outreach and resources. 


Donate Today

If you or someone you know is experiencing a mental health emergency call: 988 or go to the nearest emergency room. 


Additional crisis resources can be found here.

© 2023 Mental Health Lou

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